Mechanical Engineering

Testing & Consultancy

Testing and Consultancy:

Academic Year Type of Service Total No. of Testing Activity No. of Industry Consulted Faculty Involved
2018 - 2019 Viscosity Test 1 1 Mr. R. Senthilkumar
Mr. N. Krishnakumar
2018 - 2019 Physical & Mechanical Test 1 1 Mr. R. Senthilkumar
Mr. K. Rajendran
Mr. K. Chandrasekaran


Product Development:

Academic Year Name of the Product Team Members
2021 - 2022 Design and Development of Domestic Sugarcane Crusher Mr. S. Selvakumar
Mr. K. Rajendran
Mr. P. Selvaraj
Mr. P. Velmurugan
Selvan. K. Bommuraj